The process of acid etching, forcing out brackets, using rotary instruments to mechanically remove composite residues,
and cleaning with abrasives before to etching can all cause enamel loss. Cracks, scars, and scratches caused by
topographic alterations or enamel loss are possible outcomes. After orthodontic treatment, restorative care for enamel
loss, cracks, or scratches is frequently seen as the last phase. This clinical report, which is based on digital workflow,
describes post orthodontic treatment, contouring of anterior teeth in a young female patient's smiling disharmony using
composite injection technique with new smart chromatic material. Three-dimensional printed models of the digital waxup were used to produce transparent silicone indexes for enamel fills. While waiting for adulthood and a final
prosthodontic solution, this noninvasive, easy-to-understand injectable procedure was able to deliver semipermanent,
changeable aesthetic restorations.